ABC Swim School


Existing Customers  click here for your CUSTOMER PORTAL 

To access your customer portal for all your details, invoices, class times and your students progress

Click here to access your Customer Portal 


New customers -REGISTRATION for ABC Swim School lessons click here

If you would like to REGISTER for ABC lessons 

Click here to register with ABC Swim School 

 Please read the instructions and guidance below 

Click here for information on choosing the STANDARD for your lesson when registering

Children lessons

Duckling 1 – Baby and Toddler classes

Stage 1 / 2 – Learning water confidence and moving into a stretched floating position and progressing to Learning to swim 5m unaided & further fundamental skills

Stage 2 / 3 – Learning to swim 5m unaided, further fundamental skills and progressing to learning to swim 10m unaided and further fundamental skills

Stage 3 / 4 – Learning to swim 10m unaided, further fundamental skills and progressing to learning to swim 10m of all four strokes and further fundamental skills

Stage 4 / 5 – Learning to swim 10m of all four strokes, further fundamental skills and progressing to learning to swim 10m full stroke for all 4 strokes and further fundamental skills

Stage 5 / 6 – Learning to swim 10m full stroke for all 4 strokes and further fundamental skills and progressing to learning to swim 10m full stroke with breathing technique and further fundamental skills

Stage 6 / 7 – Learning to swim 10m full stroke with breathing technique & further fundamental skills and progressing to learning to swim 25m full stroke with breathing technique & further fundamental skills

Stage 8, 9 and 10 – Learning to Swim 25m upwards with stroke technique, starts, turns and finishes. 

Artistic Swimming

Stage 8 Artistic swimming  - Able to swim 25m of Front Crawl, Back Crawl and Breaststroke and be comfortable in deep water for these lessons


Must be stage 4 

Able to swim and tread water in the deep end


Adult Stage 1 – Learning water confidence and moving into a stretched floating position and progressing to Learning to swim 5m unaided & further fundamental skills

Adult Stage 2 – Learning to swim 5m unaided, further fundamental skills and progressing to learning to swim 10m unaided and further fundamental skills

Adult Stage 4  – Learning to swim 10m of all four strokes, further fundamental skills and progressing to learning to swim 10m full stroke for all 4 strokes and further fundamental skills

Adult Stage 6 – Learning to swim 10m full stroke with breathing technique & further fundamental skills and progressing to learning to swim 25m full stroke with breathing technique & further fundamental skills

Waiting list

If you would like to go on the waiting list or there is not availability please select either

'Baby and Toddler waiting list' for your standard.  

'Children's waiting list' for your standard

'Adults waiting list' for your standard

'Synchro waiting list' for your standard

New customers -REGISTRATION for ABC Training (NPLQ and NRASTC) courses click here


 Click here to register for ABC Training (RLSS courses)